Dry Petha Recipe | Indian Sweet Recipe | Best Agra Petha Recipe

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Dry Petha Recipe Description

Agra dry petha recipe: How to make dry petha at home? Petha sweet or winter melon candy is one of the famous Indian mithai. This sweet is cooked in sugar syrup and made with petha kaddu/winter melon/ash gourd. Winter melon dipped and dried in sugar syrup with kewra flavor. You can also add mango, rose or any other flavor of your choice. This perfect Indian sweet/dessert is ideal to make in winters because winter melons are easily available in the market. Serve this sweet dish after it is completely cooled down. Follow step by step instruction and correct cooking technique to make dry petha at home.

Dry Petha Recipe Video


Equipments used to shoot Petha Sweet Recipe video

Item name

DSLR camera
Studio light

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Dry Petha Sweet Recipe Ingredients

  • 500 grams winter melon/ Ash gourd/ Petha kaddu
  • 150 grams sugar
  • 6-7 drops screwpine/ kewra essence
  • 1 tsp edible limestone/ chuna

How to Make Dry Petha Sweet Recipe

Step 1

Cut winter melon into circular ring. Remove centre soft part of winter melon. Cut rest of the circular part in petha shape. Now check cut petha pieces and if you see any soft part discard them. Peel petha skin and make sure green part is not left. Scrub the side with knife that had green skin. This will help in even coating of sugar. Take a tooth pick and prick petha pieces from all the sides.

Step 2

In a large bowl add enough water add 1 tsp edible limestone. There are two main reasons for adding limestone. It makes pethas firm and help in retaining white color. Add petha pieces in limestone water and leave it for 8 hours.

Step 3

Take out from limestone water after 8 hours and rinse well atleast 3-4 times. In a pan boil 3 cups of water on medium heat. In boiling water add petha pieces and cook for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, check petha with a tooth pick. Petha will turn soft. Turn off heat and take it out in chilled water. It will stop cooking process.

Step 4

Transfer pethas in another vessel and add 150 grams of sugar. Toss it well and coat pethas evenly. Sugar will start dissolving soon. Cover it and leave it for an hour.

Step 5

After an hour sugar is dissolved. Turn on heat on low medium and cook pethas. Add kewra essence (6-7 drops) and make sure not to pour over petha. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes. Switch heat on medium and cook for 7 minutes while stirring slowly. Cook 2-3 minutes more on medium-high heat. Sugar will be almost over and sugar syrup will be very thick. When sugar is almost over, that is the right time to take out pethas. Using a tong take out pethas one by one on cooling rack. Switch heat on low medium while taking out pethas. Immediately crystallization of sugar will start. Leave it under running fan for 8-10 hours. Then petha will be ready. It will be firm from outside and slightly juicy from inside. Very delicious petha is ready. Enjoy eating this delicacy and relive your memories.

Utensil(s) or Equipment(s) you may need

Item name

Pressure cooker
Pestle & Mortar

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Preparation Time

15 minutes

Cook Time

17 minutes


13 Pieces


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